Stormwater Resource Library

Stormwater runoff is a primary source of pollutants to Vermont’s surface waters. A critical way to reduce and clean stormwater runoff is through education of individuals, businesses and communities. The goal is for these audiences to understand actions they can take to minimize the amount of water running off their land following rain storms or during snowmelt, and, in some cases, what they can do to treat that water on site, so what does runoff is cleaner than if just allowed to flow across impervious surfaces. 

Numerous organizations in Vermont and the Lake Champlain Basin have developed resources and tools, including site assessments, to share this type of information with a broad suite of audiences. This Stormwater Education and Outreach Database has been developed as a way to share information about many of these resources and tools, helping others engaged in stormwater outreach to save time, build consistency in methods, and result in greater adoption of practices that will help minimize and treat stormwater runoff. 

Browse Stormwater Education and Outreach Tools and Materials

Absorb the Storm: Create a Rain-friendly Yard and Neighborhood

INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

The pamphlet includes: 1) an explanation of how stormwater is responsible for water quality problems in urban and suburban streams, 2) a description of individual and group strategies for addressing stormwater runoff, and 3) detailed information about five recommended stormwater best management practices (BMPs).

An Analysis of Stormwater Education and Outreach Efforts locally and throughout the nation

INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Evaluation of SWOE programming

DEC report that analyzes stormwater education and outreach efforts locally and throughout the nation

AOTS Condensed 2-page Summaries for each Project Site

OWNER: Lewis Creek Association
CONTACT: Kate Kelly, [email protected]
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

Condensed 2-page summary packets for each Ahead of the Storm site, including overview of AOTS, brief site and design description, and costs

AOTS Self-Guided Tours

OWNER: Lewis Creek Association
CONTACT: Kate Kelly, [email protected]
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

Self-guided tours of Ahead of the Storm sites, demonstrating examples of optimal conservation practices as a strategy for climate adaptation

AOTS Summary Packets for each Project Site

OWNER: Lewis Creek Association
CONTACT: Kate Kelly, [email protected]
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

Summary packets for each Ahead of the Storm site, including design plans, site details, and project costs, to demonstrate optimal conservation practices

AOTS Survey

OWNER: Lewis Creek Association
CONTACT: Kate Kelly, [email protected]
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

A survey to be taken by the public pre- and post- self-guided AOTS tour, to help evaluate effectiveness of the tour.

Blue BTV / CVT and Blue

OWNER: Salix Solutions
CONTACT: Juliana Dixon
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

Private property stormwater evaluation/certification program. Including water quality education, property evaluation, report generation and followup GSI installation support

BLUE Schools

OWNER: Salix Solutions
CONTACT: Juliana Dixon
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Stormwater science, stressors, and water quality impacts

Educational program designed to teach students the basics of water quality threat evaluation, property assessment, and GSI design

Congregational Watershed Manual: Regilious Communities as Stewards of the World's Waters

OWNER: Vermont Interfaith Power and Light
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Sustainable Communities

An informative faith-based manual that outlines the connection between environmental stewardship and spirituality as well as ways to get involved.

Enhancing Sustainable Communities with Green Infrastructure

INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Sustainable Communities

Lists specific green infrastructure techniques that also support sustainable communities, suggests a process for gathering key stakeholders, and describes elements of a green infrastructure plan.



Lake Champlain Sea Grant and UVM Extension
Funding for this database provided by Lake Champlain Sea Grant and UVM Extension.