Ahead of the Storm

Ahead of the Storm logo

Ahead of the Storm (AOTS) is the culmination of all programmatic areas in which Lewis Creek Association works. AOTS ties data collection, planning, restoration, and education together to act as a holistic tool for identifying and addressing water quality problems and habitat enhancement in the LaPlatte River watershed.

Resources from this Program

AOTS Condensed 2-page Summaries for each Project Site

OWNER: Lewis Creek Association
CONTACT: Kate Kelly, [email protected]
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

Condensed 2-page summary packets for each Ahead of the Storm site, including overview of AOTS, brief site and design description, and costs

AOTS Self-Guided Tours

OWNER: Lewis Creek Association
CONTACT: Kate Kelly, [email protected]
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

Self-guided tours of Ahead of the Storm sites, demonstrating examples of optimal conservation practices as a strategy for climate adaptation

AOTS Summary Packets for each Project Site

OWNER: Lewis Creek Association
CONTACT: Kate Kelly, [email protected]
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

Summary packets for each Ahead of the Storm site, including design plans, site details, and project costs, to demonstrate optimal conservation practices

AOTS Survey

OWNER: Lewis Creek Association
CONTACT: Kate Kelly, [email protected]
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: Minimizing stormwater flow and increasing flood retention (i.e. raingardens, barrels, check dams, bioretention, etc.)

A survey to be taken by the public pre- and post- self-guided AOTS tour, to help evaluate effectiveness of the tour.