Below you’ll find a resource directory that we hope you will find useful for your work. You can search watershed information, funding opportunities and organizational development resources and narrow each down by topic filters. Or, you can do a search by keywords.
WUV Resource Library
- Watershed Information
- Green Infrastructure
- Stormwater
Factors Contributing to the Hydrologic Effectiveness of a Rain Garden Network
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Over a four-year period, researchers in Cincinnati tracked whole-system water fluxes in a two-tier rain garden network and assessed near-surface hydrology and soil development across construction and operational phases. The monitoring data provided a quantitative basis for determining effectiveness of this stormwater control measure.
- Funding
- Private Grants
Fields Pond Foundation
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Funds community-based nature and land conservation, including easements, public access and related publications. Grants are between $500 and $25,000 (most between $2,000-$10,000). Applications any time. Contact them in advance of sending application.
- Watershed Information
- Agriculture
- Buffers
- Policy
- Regulation
- Water Quality
Final Draft Lake Memphremagog Total Maximum Daily Load.
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Final Draft Lake Memphremagog TMDL. May 2017.
- Watershed Information
- Policy
- Aquatic Organism Passage
- River Science
Fish and Wildlife Conservation - Conserving Vermont's Natural Heritage
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A guide to community-based planning for the conservation of Vermont's fish, wildlife and biodiversity. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department.
- Watershed Information
- Aquatic Organism Passage
- Culverts
FishXing Software and Learning Systems for fish passage through culverts
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Pronounced "Fish Crossing", this software is intended to assist engineers, hydrologists, and fish biologists in the evaluation and design of culverts for fish passage. Developed by the U.S. Forest Service.
- Watershed Information
- Planning
- Flood Resilience
- Climate Change
- Roads
- Water Quality
Flood Hazard Area and River Corridor Protection Procedure
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Flood Hazard Area and River Corridor Protection Procedure developed in 2017 by Department of Conservation.
- Watershed Information
- Planning
- Flood Resilience
- Climate Change
- Roads
- Water Quality
Flood Ready Vermont Website
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State of Vermont website for communities planning to reduce and prepare for flooding hazards. Includes guidelines for reducing vulnerable infrastructure, role of natural lands in reducing flood hazards, case studies of community action, an atlas showing flood hazards and actions and much more.
- Watershed Information
- Culverts
- Roads
Flood Ready Vermont: Improve Infrastructure and Buildings
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Information on creating a flood ready Vermont through infrastructure and culvert improvements.
- Watershed Information
- Green Infrastructure
- Public Education
- Flood Resilience
- Stormwater
- Roads
- Water Quality
Flood Resilience Checklist for Vermont Communities
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This checklist can be used to identify opportunities to make flooding in your community less damaging and
to prepare for recovery that is faster, stronger and less expensive.
- Watershed Information
- Aquatic Organism Passage
- Dam Removal
- Public Access and Recreation
Posted on
Information on deadbeat dams and dam removal in Vermont including current projects and a list of deadbeat dams.