On July 6, 2021 WUV will release the newest round of funding under WUV’s Vermont Department of Conservation (DEC) Clean Water Initiative Design and Implementation Block Grant (DIBG). Funding under the DIBG must be used to support the design or implementation of projects whose primary purpose is to reduce sediment and nutrient pollution from runoff and soil erosion that discharge into the State’s rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and wetlands. WUV has approximately $1,270,000 to allocate to projects over three categories: Stormwater, Stormwater – Three-Acre General Permit under operational stormwater general permit 3-9050, and Natural Resources - Lake Shoreland, Rivers - Stream/Floodplain restoration, forestry. All projects are to be completed before October 1, 2023. Please note that some portion of these funds may be allocated through WUV’s funding round that is currently in progress. Additionally, 1/3 of the projects must be under $50,000 total project cost (excluding match and program delivery costs).